samedi 31 décembre 2011

Best of ?

It's only a matter of time until these following things will be labelled as the best things I've heard/watched/seen during the past 12 months, a.k.a 2011.

Best song :  Massive Attack - Live with me

Best album : Clubroot - II-MMX

Best musical video :

Best musical surprise : Opeth's album, Heritage.

Best movie : La Solitudine dei numeri primi

Best book : Les apparitions mystérieuses - François Favre

Best website :

Best photograph : (Brooke Shaden)

Best of my photographs :

Best Self-portrait : 

Best LMFAO : 

Best Art Installation : (Bruce Munro)

Best Skirt : 

Best Movie quote : 

Best painting : ( Vladimir Kush) : 

I know, a lot of best things, but I've mainly mentioned the most important. Let me achieve this entry with an intriguing story that have marked my year.

Once upon a time, a girl and a " someone" were taking a long walk across a very dim forest.They have suddenly stumbled upon a well of black water.At first sight, it seemed like velvet : seducing and captivating.The girl was impressed by the dazzling view, down there.After long moments of deep contemplation,the "someone" have unwillingly and violently pushed the girl, then walked away.The well was so deep that she could not climb back. At once, a lot of rescuer have tried to reach the girl, and save her from the bleak well.The poor girl have spent countless days and hours waiting for the perfect rescuer, but no one had the right rope to catch her, no one. All of the attempt have failed.
The girl felt a near death.But somehow, she decided to rescue herself, letting her hair grow longer, and longer, and longer, so she can make the perfect rope, ans save her soul.Thus, she will never forget the "someone" 's face. 

Happy new year, y'all !

2 commentaires:

  1. Probably you already know them but i've discovered them lately: Jan Saudek & Sára Saudková

  2. Les citations sont de quel film ?
    Merci de répondre sur le blog :)

    Afaf & Marwa


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