dimanche 20 janvier 2013


Well hello peeps,

 I don't recall what was my latest blog-post about, but it doesn't matter as long as am writing a new one.
So, these photographs might basically resume my life for the past couple of weeks now.

I've been sewing, drawing, painting, reading and all day napping. I've also been invaded by permanent illness for past few days. First, it all started with some injuries on my left hand due to a small accident, at home. Then, two days later, my left leg couldn't wait to join the "left-part" army and get fucked up itself. I had no accident, I was just jogging, and bam ! It feels like there is an alien inside of my left knee right now, but anyway. I couldn't walk for days. However, now I can walk a few steps without jumping on one leg. And very recently, I've been suffering the consequences of another accident in which one of my siblings is involved in (my brother : he's fine, but everything else no).

So I really do admit that I had terrible things going in my life lately, and just to make myself feel even shittier, I caught a bloody cold, along with some unbearable other things, and am a lousy mess right now.

What have actually kept me alive were music, crafts, books, drawings, etc...
I don't know what else could I've done if I haven't got any of these out of my reach. I'd have gone mad...or in a coma. (joking of course).

Anyway, hoping that the next few days will be a little bit better than the previous ones.

Hope you're all are doing great.


samedi 12 janvier 2013

Digital hunt

Hey there !

In this blog post, I am mainly going to submit some of the catchy/inspirational photographs I've been gathering lately.I do not recall any information for the credits, sorry. But they are just things you can find on Tumblr or pinterest or anywhere.

Let's get started :

Well I admit that these kind of posts are sort of silly, and pointless but I do like to remind myself that there are much more beauty in this world to just...quit. Therefore, I need to get my arse off my bed and take my camera and...wander. 

Not all who wander are lost.

Hopefully the next post will be about my own photographs.


lundi 7 janvier 2013


Some Trap music to go along with this...

I have submitted the pictures in a quite incoherent random manner, so do not pay much attention to that.
So, a brief summary would be more appealing than a long boring paragraph right ?

What is this  ? 

This is the forth day of an open strike, a sort of a collective student protest against the corruption of the university's administration headers.Bear in mind that students have courageously interrupted their exams in order to carry on this rebellion that promises to vanquish venality and such dishonest behaviors.

Why is this happening ? 

I've just mentioned it though. But in more plain words, we have been witnessing deficiency in pretty much everything at uni : starting from the administration to the practical courses that are supposed to help in building up and in sharpening the skills of the future engineer. Nonetheless, none of what we have expected since the very first moment we got into college happened, or even existed. So, to sum up :  when you try to solve a particular issue with a so-called superior/header/Student life/whatsoever director and you get  that very irresistible urge to punch him in the face with an iron chair...At the moment, you feel like you need a change. And it is happening, or at least...loading.

Going back on some photos to comment : I took some shots from the Freeze-mob that was prepared today by a bunch of creative students, some signs and significant quotes, and some revolted people.

What I have left to say is the following :
I might not be that person who screams his heart out while asking for his full rights as a student, for honesty, freedom and for a better academic environment. But I do support this movement, every single bit of it with any possible way am having on my mind. Because when you feel the amount of energy and power, rage and rebellion that shuffles inside of the students, who craves a change for a better future, you slightly start smiling and shout to the whole world : At least, this country is still in some good hands...

Cheers and power to the students !


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