Hey people (and a special greeting to my Deutshe Freunde) !
like an hour ago, I was saying goodbye to all of you guys as you're flying back to Germany tonight. I walked away two steps, and I got all teary and actually quite sad too (you guys missed my all-tears face, yeah). As soon as I got home, I started noticing that something is missing : a lot of noise, a lot of music, people talking : all of you ! So I rushed to make this blog post (after adding all of you on FB), and post some pictures so I can visualize the week again.
It's been a HELL of a week !
At first, I was so nervous to not only meet German students, but also to make a descent presentation in front of them. My sort of a shy attitude have failed me this time. I was actually able to socialize with every one of you, and to appreciate every conversation I had, even a 2 seconds chat. It was a very deep and unforgettable experience that a humble human being can go through during his lifetime.
I somehow felt that making friends and actually appreciating/cherishing people is something that I don't consider doing every day, but when it happens, it's just so profound !
Some lovely RHCP tunes, just a tribute to Seref, as we were (Seif, Seref and I) listening to their new album, this morning, at the 7th floor of the hotel.
Like we went to museum and boring places together, attended boring(but interesting) workshops together, went to the beach, to the Medina, lunched and dined together, partied together too...We did everything together this week. Hard to forget it !
(the lines above were written last night as described, now the rest is written and published this afternoon)
And that is all, my friends. The reflection of my hand on a mirror is the end of the wonderful journey. We miss you all, already.
Hope we will manage to meet you soon ! ( I personally and definitely and actually will )
A special thanks to Wafa, Jan Martin and all the Alumni for making this happen.We love you !
take care !
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