dimanche 31 juillet 2011

Am a scatman too

nhihihi3...These following tunes (bands that I've just discovered) are simply marvelous :

This one is funny :

Yesterday, it rained ! Oh joy,I couldn't believe my eyes when rain drops started to collapse on my camera, as I was outside doing the following activity with my brother (who was just watching me moving from here to there and wondering if his sister is insane or simply bored). Before the photos,let's dedicate this song to the  beautiful afternoon weather of Saturday, July the 30th.

- اهبط
- لا 

" Scatman can do it,so can we "

photos (many of them are out of focus,which is too bad,am using my timer,having no doppelganger to help) and everything belongs to me,even that dude over there.

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