jeudi 17 février 2011

help me shutting my mind down

I don't want to breathe oxygen...Am better  off breathing incense  

Halo.Pt I: 

" I can't think.I see things,flash lights,sudden incoherent forms moving. I was looking at my watch that I was wearing in my left wrist.It indicates : 11:16pm (23:16)
In the bottom of the watch,there was a little white hole with which I can tell in what day are we.The 23 that appears on the white background seems to be disappearing as a gorgeous moon while meeting the first rays of dawn light. 
Time is moving on (so does invisible creatures around me).
I can't think again.I might be utterly fading from the clutch of time is moving on (so does the invisible creatures around me).I see words and letters.I'm thinking.I hardly concretize what I see:
{Why do some people wear their watches in the right hand,while others wear it in the left one?
Am wearing it in my left...
Would I feel more secure,stable if I switch it to my other hand?
Would the world stand still and look at me changing my watch's position as the time is moving on (so does the creatures around me)? 
Would the count-down reach a lesser speed than it's usual one? How come sometimes you find yourself in the right place,in the right time?
Would you...wait for me as the world is standing still,the time is moving on (so does the invisible creatures around me)?}
No one would..."



2 commentaires:

  1. ساعتي دائما في يدي اليمنى لااعرف لي ماذا كل ما اعرف اني اخاف من الوقت لايضيع.....

  2. Enjoyed the words and I find this foto particularly beautiful.


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