vendredi 6 février 2015

January favorites

Hello sugar pies,

This morning I thought I can pick some monthly favorites (random mainly) like music, movies, books, quotes, photography, fashion, etc...according to my mood during the month of January.
So a little review to the month of January is required. It sure was the first month of the new year, everyone kicks it off fully enthusiastic and eager. I do not deny that I've done that myself, however...Never put high expectations kids!
I expected a fresh wave of cold temperatures: happened moderately (I aimed for excessively). But what we got instead? Warm weather all most of the time. The following picture of me tanning on my rooftop proves it.

I have also expected to return to school from winter break and have my finals but none of that happened because the Engineering schools in Tunisia were on a strike. It's not like am complaining about this free vacation (that has lasted for over a month now). Instead of pulling an all-nighter, mugging up last minute and showing up like a zombie for my finals, I got to watch movies all day and just chill the hell out. 
So speaking of which, my favorite movie of the month is Re-directed. 

This British-Lithuanian Chef d'oeuvre has cracked me up so bad. A must watch ,or a re-watch for me,  if you like The Hangover, you will fall for this.
Still speaking about the M words.The favorite musical track of the month goes to? *drum roll*

I love Trap. I can't help it. As Andrew(hey partner) once called me; Mrs Trapster! Way to go The Griswolds (An Australian alt band) aaaand mainly NGHTMARE for flipping this out to an enjoyable audible piece of delicious blueberry muffin (wat?). Those L.A kids are ruling the trap.
And since I don't have any new favorite producer/DJ/band besides VACANT, Flume,HeRobust, Diplo, Jack U, T-Mass and WHAT SO NOT, I will just go ahead and pick another track for ya.Oh and before doing so, I might just want to recommend this fella here VANIC. His remixes of some quite famous songs (Lana Del Rey, Birdy, etc..) are simply fabulous. And he looks cute too, so that's a plus to check his profile (and him) out.

And what else could the "next track" be besides RL Grime, like come on! He has recently launched a new album called VOID (I would call it exquisite Cinnamon twist with some 2-step/garage-y parts and, OF COURSE, ardent trap). I will let you enjoy and describe it with your own coherent words and avoid comparing it to food like I just did. My other favorite track from this album is Scylla. I guarantee you that if you blast it in your car on a highway, you will make some tangible damage to the fellow drivers around you. Try it and let me know how it goes. Actually, I have seen RL Grime last year in COACHELLA, but I was stupid (and tired) enough to just stand outside of the Sahara Tent and just watch people dance... Anyways.
Enough about music!Shall we pursue our quest to determine the monthly holy grail-s of Nedra Jouini? I think it's about time we reserved a wider space for photography and fashion. Starting off with photography. I have been browsing Ello recently, and I am bewildered with the amount of talented and inspirational people you can find there (I confess that I dumped Pinterest and Tumblr for Ello). You guys should check it out and request an account. It is worth the efforts.
We are still talking about talented people and art that I recently(or have always) liked.
Tim Walker,he shoots editorials for fashion magazine and only God knows how does his right side of his brain function because I am willing to receive a replica of that at any cost.

     Italian Vogue, March 2006

British Vogue, Lady Gray 

And then one more to top it off; this particular shot by Ben Sandler sums up my photography/modelling career goals in a simple photograph. Can you tell why?

Finally, I needed to share one of the images from my quotes board on Pinterest. And then I guess that'all I have from the month of January. It is a long post, I cannot just state my picks without rambling around for a while. I hope you'll give my picks a shot in case you're intrigued.
Talk to you soon!

lundi 2 février 2015

How to pronounce February?

Hello there lovely ghosts of Ashrare,

I hope all is good. I have not been that good myself. My uni has been on a strike since January, and I have been home most of the time. I could have used this humongous amount of free time differently. But am pondering what to do, and how to enrich my daily experience every am snooze. I do have to admit that it's a hard question to answer, however, I managed to get few photo-shoots done and a lot of movies scraped out of my to-watch-list.
Today, (Monday is not a day, it's an unfortunate journey), I have kick-started the day with the following playlist. I simply typed "rainy" and played the first playlist. Simple and effortless right?

So I was listening to this indie playlist.And all of a sudden, I ceased doing what I was doing at the time, I was completely petrified. Why? Good question! Do you know the feeling you get when you listen to a song and the voice of the singer seems familiar? At that precise moment, your mind is looking through the music registry and files you archived and try to get a match. And then boom, it was Alt-J. I got it right. That smile I had on my face was priceless. Enjoy simple things, people! Simple is good. 

Anyway, I originally forgot why I started this blog post. I might be willing to share my recent photograph though, or some movies recommendations. Let's start with the latter. 
My switches were completely turned when I saw: Redirected, Predestination, The Breakfast Club, Her, Layer Cake, The Hunt. Along with some short-movies selections that I saved on Vimeo ( I will share it next time k?). 
Now, onto photography! Frustrated and confused much when it comes to my work? Yes I am. I don't know what I want to shoot anymore. People were telling me to stick to a certain style. But does it really matter if I have a style or not? I take pictures for my own pleasure and for people who share the same taste as myself (maybe, if they ever live on this planet). Moreover, in this particular shot, I was so inspired by Sin city and Pulp Fiction. Can you tell? Not? 

The only thing am sure about is that when it comes to double exposure, motion blur and adding texture, am all in. Other than that, I would rather curl up under tons of blankets and resume hibernation..or reading my book. It's "You don't know me" by David Klass. Funny, ironic and yet sad. I recommend it for rainy days and lost souls. 
Until next time people (I have to go make some lunch for the kids, you know, busy life), stay around!
P.S how do you guys pronounce February? Lemme know.


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