Spring break...
At first, I had no obvious plans for spring break. I thought I am just gonna hang out in my dorm's fishbowl all day long, and be that "solitary international brunette left all alone in the dorms".
Hence, I have managed to join few people I barely knew on a road trip to Las Vegas, Arizona, and California. I got excited since it sounded surreal to me back at that time. But then, it was a complete disappointment because again, I should have never went places with bad company. I never learn from my mistakes. I thought I can handle myself when am alone, but it wasn't as easy as I expected it to be.
Nonetheless, I managed to capture some moments. All am left with are some memories that could have been better and brighter.
Vegas was incredible. But I don't think I would have enjoyed my stay for more than two days in there. You are somehow left with quite few options when you don't gamble, play poker, or forget your passport back in Laramie, WY. I have, nonetheless, enjoyed a long stroll on The Strip with my friend Valerie, taking long exposure pictures, people watching, chain smoking and Fat Tuesday drinking. That was quite delightful to say the least.
Next stop review will be...Lake Havasu.