samedi 31 décembre 2011

Best of ?

It's only a matter of time until these following things will be labelled as the best things I've heard/watched/seen during the past 12 months, a.k.a 2011.

Best song :  Massive Attack - Live with me

Best album : Clubroot - II-MMX

Best musical video :

Best musical surprise : Opeth's album, Heritage.

Best movie : La Solitudine dei numeri primi

Best book : Les apparitions mystérieuses - François Favre

Best website :

Best photograph : (Brooke Shaden)

Best of my photographs :

Best Self-portrait : 

Best LMFAO : 

Best Art Installation : (Bruce Munro)

Best Skirt : 

Best Movie quote : 

Best painting : ( Vladimir Kush) : 

I know, a lot of best things, but I've mainly mentioned the most important. Let me achieve this entry with an intriguing story that have marked my year.

Once upon a time, a girl and a " someone" were taking a long walk across a very dim forest.They have suddenly stumbled upon a well of black water.At first sight, it seemed like velvet : seducing and captivating.The girl was impressed by the dazzling view, down there.After long moments of deep contemplation,the "someone" have unwillingly and violently pushed the girl, then walked away.The well was so deep that she could not climb back. At once, a lot of rescuer have tried to reach the girl, and save her from the bleak well.The poor girl have spent countless days and hours waiting for the perfect rescuer, but no one had the right rope to catch her, no one. All of the attempt have failed.
The girl felt a near death.But somehow, she decided to rescue herself, letting her hair grow longer, and longer, and longer, so she can make the perfect rope, ans save her soul.Thus, she will never forget the "someone" 's face. 

Happy new year, y'all !

mardi 27 décembre 2011

Music selection of the day

various types, good tunes, trust me :

Put your headset on, that's gonna sound much much more better.Trust me once again.Listening to some heavy stuff again, I miss it and I need it to be awake.

dimanche 25 décembre 2011

Sonja & I & him


 The sun was blazing, after bloody days of fatal cold. Went out, checking on nature and screaming so I can hear my echoes. Then, I've realized that nature needed some music.Next time hopefully, will cheer you up with some guitar sonority and a pure voice. That girl with the pink coat is my sweet Sonja. You will be missed, dear !

Thanking the brother for the pictures.

samedi 24 décembre 2011

Orbiting the world

I love sharing some  inspiring stories about different people, from all accross the globe.
So this Jimmy Webb, a store manager, is the neo Iggy. He believes that style may be summed up in two bare words : Truth & Energy.

He says : "I used to be a drug addict, a typical case. Living homeless in the park, no socks. I have a crate of socks out there, now, in the other room. Full of socks, because I never want to be without socks. I like passing them on to people-- I believe socks represent love, because I remember when I didn't have a pair."

Next true story is Nelson Campbell's, a social director from California. He thinks that "There is an oppression that makes men afraid of being beautiful" and I do share him the same opinion

He wears different items from different countries and places so he can still feel the presence of that particular foreign culture around him, all the time.He wears the ancient history of multiple nations, proudly carries their essences wherever he goes. 

He says about Thailand : "The natural presence is dominant and strong. Such a beautiful place with such good hearts and a willingness to be positive and show love and respect. Life is about much more than money and the sating of worldly desires."

Another amazing story is about two fine art Students, meeting each other in very weird circumstances.
They are Kira Panfilova and Oliver Short.Two dreamers who are brave enough to ride the waves of their imagination.

Oliver says : "Kira was standing at the top of the escalator with a brown suitcase, leopard print jacket, and beautiful red hair. I walked up to her and said, 'I know it's kind of strange for me to come up to you, but I also know there is no way we would meet in a normal situation, so would you like to be my friend?'"  

Oliver says:  "Sometimes it is easier to draw or paint than to talk." 

Ending this entry with this marvelous sonority :

photos : 

mardi 20 décembre 2011


 Aeroplane Dope & Bad Chemistry - Dead dog 

" We would like to change the culture of science ", so do I : 

This very particular video, makes me want to make my own moisturizer cream at home...Wake-up science-aholic people ! Do something, contribute and start helping your nation with your inventions and collaborations all across the world, be good/useful and so on blabla² (and thank you Paul for sharing) 
Oh Hi ! I skipped that part in the beginning of the entry. I hope you are enjoying your freezing winter vacations (now I sound like Walmart's ads). Will hear from me soon enough.

Greetings !

2/4/6 are my photographs.The rest are a Trainspotting screenshot, Newton's original book, and a random Japanese Lantern photo.

samedi 17 décembre 2011

Rasta baby

The play : " The End " 

Hi people, 
hope you're all doing great.I see some new visitors from India (ahoy guys ^_^)
Rasta baby...well that was my T-shirt, and it has such a beautiful rasta baby print.But when a girl pulls it off, she is the rasta babe, haha (am no rasta, man).
Anyway, we (all of those strange aliens in the pictures above and I) went to see a play that we've missed last year. Hopefully, we made it safely there (after a nice car race in the road,some troubles from police officers, and a nice drive home, barefoot) 
The play was mainly about Death, life, different lifestyles, marginalization, patriotism.... It was incredible.I couldn't manage to take some proper and descent photographs because my camera was already making too much noise, too bright light that I turned it off eventually. 
Tunis gets deserted at night.It enters into a dazzling nocturnal blossom that no one would genuinely feel unless it's a dream-catcher, a sleep-walker or a carpenter. 
That's all folks !
Stay tuned.
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