lundi 31 janvier 2011

Survival in photographs

Don't know from where to start...
This spare time is killing me.And am killing myself back to take advantage of it.
Well,what else would fill my long hours and delight me besides photography?
So here it goes: shots of the day are :

This one,which is a bit inspired of Wednesday Addams's character :

     "Who is willing to take a cup of tea? I have made it myself "  


And,these random classic darkly edited shots (on purpose): 


Am pretty much having all of this week off...So,will see what's gonna happen tomorrow.

dimanche 30 janvier 2011

A' is half revealed

-Second principle of thermodynamics says: “The entropy of the universe increases”

-I asked Pr.X: “If entropy keeps increasing, in a system, what are its limits?”
He said doubtfully: “it has no limits, it’s infinite!”   

- To achieve K= “kicking dictators out”, and therefore R= “Revolution”, Entropy should hit a max twice. Why?

 Fact(1): M.B was burnt to death, in Tunisia
==>Protestations n°= 1 (average level)
===>Entropy hits A
Fact(2):   Rage, anger, fear and an unbearable desire for freedom
==>Protestations n°=2 (extreme high level)
===> Entropy hits B => K= True

Now, this must be launched for different values: A’, B’ (entropy levels that should be hit in Egypt in the next days)

Told you I can help from here...
No am not serious,will get serious in calculations tomorrow morning. A' and B' are still unknown.A' is half revealed.Wanna join?

vendredi 28 janvier 2011



Since my days are more likely a perfect circle of chained random reactions that does not even exist, I have been searching in my mother's closets. Last time I did,I have found a Chanel handbag. 
And today,I have found these lovely shiny pair of shoes.It seems that it belongs to that kind of partying girl,who loves to attract all of her surroundings with her glittery heels only.

J.A(1): Can I ask you a stupid question?
S.A(1): you've just did...
J.A(1): No,I didn't! 
S.A(1): Get some dignity and admit it at least,jackass!
J.A(1): Are you always treating people the same? No wonder you're so fucking alone pretty much all the time,smartass! You hardly bare a pencil between your fingers!

===> Rule N°=1 : When nicknames get revealed,take your descent soul and get out from the first hole you see.

tales of boredom will continue...
photos are mine,so does the black letters...

jeudi 27 janvier 2011

Chant d'elle

Monologue I:

" Je me sens triste et pourtant,avide de sens.La peur me gagne,mes pensées me tourmentent.Ma vie semble côtoyer l'ultime perfection...mais ce n'est qu'une illusion. J'hallucine! 

Il se peut que j'hallucine...

Certes, j'hallucine.Je l' vois ce que je veux percevoir,je souhaite l'irréalisable,je camoufle la réalité par de perpétuels contentements.Me reprocherai-je? Me séparai-je de ce lugubre cristal qui sectionne mes visions?
Le Vendredi 21 Janvier,ce fut une maussade soirée. J'ai prier pour l'amnésie, mais je me suis refoulé dans une stridente nostalgie. Dès le coucher de soleil,le vent sifflait,la pluie sirotais mon absinthe. Tout semblait plonger dans la tranquillité.

je me suis souvenu d'elle..."

Monologue II:

" Elle...qui m'a glorieusement menti,après m'avoir violemment bercé
  Elle...que je vénérai aveuglement
  Elle...que j'aime tant" 

" Elle...qui s'est donné corps et âme à un future incertain
  Elle...qui se livrerai dorénavant,comme une femme sans amant
  Elle...qui m'a quitté"

Monologue III:

"Je m'offusque..."


" et je souris dès qu'elle apparait dans mes visions "
"[...] Je me souviens de sa fine silhouette,dansante comme une flamme, frêle et fiévreuse"

Monologue VI: 

" j'ai cru que je l'ai vu parcourant la piè n'hallucine point"

" mais ma vision me trompe maintes cette fois,ma foi " 

Monologue V:

" Demerol,en vain...Je ne vois qu'elle"

" Je ne ressens qu'avec elle" 

"Je me résume...en elle"
"Ma vie tourne autour de ces chandelles,de ses chants...d'elle"


Modèle: Hsan.H (remerciement spécial)
Texte & photo: Nedra.J 

Les contraintes techniques ont été exceptionnellement nombreuses,j'en cite : 
-Pas d'éclairage adéquat,donc,beaucoup de bruits sur presque toutes les prises. De ce fait,je me suis sentie obligé de varier  les teintes et la balance des couleurs d'une part.D'une autre part, ça me parait convenable car l'ambiance de la photo change d'un monologue à un autre.

No English version,sorry! 


mercredi 26 janvier 2011

let's see

it seems that some strange powers from above are keeping me from resting,tonight. So here we are,awake!
let's play:

1/do you feel any presence around?

2/what have kept you from sleeping?
- an odd feeling that am gonna blink my lashes the whole night (health problems mainly)

3/what are you doing?
- typing

4/why? seriously want me to explain why am I typing? ===> there are letters on keyboard,that,once pressed,appears on the's a hell of a way to write a sentence without using pen and paper thing,got it?

5/Sort of! Anyway! What are you thinking of?
- Am thinking of my last minute photo-shoot with a friend (a male model,thank God),scheduled for tomorrow.Haven't prepare a thing for it...

6/Who is the model?
-some question!

7/What would you do to someone who calls you "whore"?
- get closer,will whisper this answer to you.

8/ *blushes* question: Where can we find real beauty?
-real beauty is gotta find the perfect perception for it.

9/How is Tunisia?

- you gotta be kidding...I've been hearing Gaddafi,being somehow interviewed...and what can I say? Or,from where should I start? from the green sceneries as a background or from his contradictory successive sentences? Gaddafi attitude is a rare disease that should be not only cured,but also sterilised.

10/Are you feeling sleepy? Or not just yet?
- Thanks a lot for such parasitic company,I order you to get the hell out of my mind right now.
11/Yes dear.

samedi 22 janvier 2011

what remains from...

Happy birthday Amlas once again :)

Photos: Nedra Jouini

J-Chan 's Designs

BlueSparrow Collaboration (Models: Shannon Von Eschen, Valeri Kimbro,Velocity)

Mark Hayes Collaboration (Model: Velocity) 

As you can see,these are the very recent designs made by Jessica Rowell. Who is Jessica Rowell?
It's a red talented head who seems to keep astonishing all of her visitors on her Facebook page  
If you're a fantasy and sophisticated costumes freak,you must have seen her designs somewhere.Working with several talented photographers and models,Jessica have somehow succeeded in showcasing her wonderful outfits.
These are more than  pieces of clothes that are eagerly sewed with a  thin needle; these are fine concepts,illustrated with a catchy make-up in a perfect scene,with a suitable pose.
I pretty much see myself wearing one of her designs as a wedding dress (*laugh*).
Jessica Rowell is more than gifted.Let's help her reach her goal which is designing costumes for Tim Burton's movies. 
feel free to visit her deviantart gallery and spread her designs all over!
All of my greeting of sincere appreciation,Jess (:

vendredi 21 janvier 2011

laced wooden patchwork door


As you can see,this is one of the numerous "thing" I've been making these days.
I was examinating old wooden stuff that have been thrown in the garage. And I found a lot of small wooden doors...They looked in a mess,but I liked it! I thought I probably could give the poor litttle thing a fresh make-over :D
Actually,I have cut small pictures from different magazines,journals,etc...used silk ans leather laces,glue,old bracelets,some velvet pieces of cloths.That's all I guess.
However,I first of all clued these laces...and it pretty much looked like some kind of a restriction when I was trying to glue the pictures ( you gotta be smart to do this =p).I would go for " a somewhat Pan's labyrinth".
I kept saying that am out of ideas,that I can't just sit and be calm.But truly, I do can. And this is what I am going to do now.
Just one last thing,I really hope to get some point of views,some critics on this one. Am not Jonathan Meeser (just yet =p) but I admit that I have an arty part inside of me,and I do want to know what do you guys think,like,love or hate about this.

just close your eyes

listen and unwind your imagination:

-Raison d'être (Swedish dark ambient band):


-Hexentanz  (American occult sounds) : feels like you're exorcising a poor being 


-Patrick Wolf:
-God Module

mardi 18 janvier 2011

I owe you this MJ

Why do I owe you this,MJ?
As a masterpiece,gathering a tender voice,a sensitive soul and a pure heart...I absolutely do!
We all do!
I don't feel like I really I have to cry out your fate...maybe in some other time,but the point is: you made a huge difference,you have lived under various circumstances,still, you sung,you reached your goal,you cried in your concerts (who does that these days?),you healed the world.

As a myth,a hero,a legend...I congratulate you! You have passed I can say Rest in peace.

lundi 17 janvier 2011

Skulls and diamonds

am apparently hyperventilating...It's just weird that am getting more and more creative these days (not complimenting my ego,but stating what is actually going on with me)
Making rings,accessorizing  my shoes (definitely), my dresses...anything that seemed boring or no longer attract my attention.

I would confess that I like (and want) to  keep my hands busy in these days off...until someone finally state: "Tomorrow you could get back to your ***²² uni"

Little preview (rings mainly)-my hands are so dry,I know :

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